Collection: SALES & SECONDS
Find all of our SALES and SECONDS (flawed) products here! We only make sales and seconds items available a few limited times a year. Grab them before they're gone!
Why are these on sale? It could be that we've updated the colours of the design on our latest print run. It could be that these designs are end-of-line. It could even be that we printed waaaaaay too many! It could be that we just REALLY REALLY want you to have one!
These products are totally flawsome! What does it mean to be flawsome? Any of our products that are labelled as seconds/flawed mean that they contain slight imperfections. It may mean the design is a bit off-center, enamel colours (in pins or keychains) have bled slightly, or the printer has left minor ink marks. Most flaws are imperceptible at first glance. None of the flaws affect the durability or functionality of our products.
By purchasing an item we've labelled as "flawed", you are agreeing to accept it with the imperfections it arrives with. Damages due to shipping are not included and our regular shipping and returns policies still apply in those situations.
Description of flaws are general and not to be considered specific to any one product.
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